b. Manchester, UK

Lives and works in Manchester, UK.


1998 – 2001. Visual Arts B.A (Hons.) 1st The University of Salford





2001 – 2002. The 1st Out Bursary

2004. The Artist's Professional Development Scheme





2016. The White Hotel, Strangeways, Manchester

2014. Nikae Factory, Palermo, Sicily

2006. Artoll, Bedburg Hau, Germany

2001. The Irwell Sculpture Trail, Bacup, Lancs.





2017. Unity – Memories of a Free Festival, Central Library, Manchester

2017. Damo Suzuki, The White Hotel, Salford

2016. Salford and Gomorrah, Sounds from the Other City, The Pint Pot, Salford

2009. Photography, The Chapman Gallery , University of Salford





2018. Camera Optional, PS Mirabel, Manchester

2017. 2000 A.D., Sounds from the Other City, Salford

2012. Zombie Modernism, Malgras Naudet, Manchester

With Noel Clueit, Cathy Wade, Matthew Houlding, Dylan Thomas, Sharon  Hall, Matt Welch, Adam Smythe, Stuart Edmondson, James Clarkson, Rhys Coren and others.

2012. London Calling, Tokyo

Tracy Emin, Billy Childish, Julien Temple, Paul Simenon, Mick Jones, Steve Hunt, Stuart McKenzie, Humphrey Ocean and others.

2011. London Calling, Idea Generation Gallery, London

2011. Work! Rogue Project Space, Manchester, Steve Hunt, David Shrigley, Jenny Holt

2010 The Artists' Wakes, Bury Art Gallery, Bury, Lancashire

The Artists Lottery Syndicate, BMCA, Chris and Kier, Contents May Vary, An Endless Supply, Mark Essen, Grosepoolman, Steve Hunt, The Invisible Committee Prestwich and Whitefield Branch, Lee Joss, El Leon, Malgras Naudet, Jennifer McDonald and Louise Woodcock, M Institutes, The Provincial Forge, Societe Realiste, Symbol Archive, Penny Whitehead & Daniel Simpkins

2009. Bologna, Manchester, Muri , Malgras Naudet, Crusader Mill, Manchester

Steve Hunt, Joe Devlin, Magnus Quaife, Ryan Gander, Bedwyr Williams

2009. Abstract Cabinet, Eastside Projects, Malgras Naudet, ‘Gallery Booth’

Earl Slettemark, Virgil, Christine Berman, Landvik & Zoff.(Alter egos)

2004. Do Something, Floating I.P Gallery, Manchester

2004. Untitled collective, Chapman Gallery, University of Salford

2003. 281 @ The Great Northern, Manchester,

Adam Cadwell, Jo Clements, Sophia Crilly, Damian Cruikshank, Mike Dawson, Joe Devlin, Oliver East, Benjamin Gwilliam, Sam Hull, Steve Hunt, Sarah Marsh, Angie Mcveigh, Nick Jordan, James Nesfield, Lee Patterson, Dawn Woolley

2003. Mail Art Show, twoeightone Gallery, Salford

2001. Experiment, Newton St Gallery, Manchester, A collaboration with Adela Jones





2017. 2000 AD, Sounds from other City, Salford

2010. Berlin and That, Oliver East. Published by Blank Slate Books.

2006. Radio Memory, Brandon LaBelle. Radio Revolten, Halle Germany





2017. Volume 19, Collaboration with Robert Paul Corless

2016. Mauldeth Road (Andrea Ellis) with Robert Paul Corless

2007. Victoire Vietnam/Sugar Hill Club Classics, King's Arms Jukebox, Steve Hunt, Lee Patterson, Joe Devlin, Ben Gwilliam, Matt Rogalsky





2016. A Town of Cats, Dir. Steve Manford Ass. Dir. Steve Hunt, Art Dir. Chiara Ludolini





2019. Wild Daughter, ICA London.

2018. Kolaj Magazine, April issue

2017. An Account of Frederick McKenzie Playing Johnny Cash Covers at Strangeways Prison, Manchester, 1973. (TG Gallery, Nottingham)

2017. Caught By The River

2017. Coney's Loft

2016. Hour of Writes, Ephemera

2015. Pariah Press

2009. Rainy City Stories

2009. a-n (artist newsletter website)

2009. Metro news, UK

2000. The Rossendale Free Press